get out of the kitchen and fire up the barbecue grill.
my cousin passed by mr. wusstig's corn truck this weekend, and brought over some ears. the weather was far too oppressive for me to think in any way beyond breathe.move.maybe.breathesomemore. so it was a miracle the corn got cooked at all, never mind something schmantzy. i simply chucked the ears onto a grill, then served them with a little basting of butter, a crumble of feta cheese, a shake of chipotle chili powder, and a squeeze of lime. generally, i prefer to eat freshly cooked corn as is, without any garnishing, but the spare addition of the salty cheese, fresh citrus, and zing of the chili complimented the sweetness of the kernels very well. i suppose one could pile it on, but a little goes a long way.
my cousin passed by mr. wusstig's corn truck this weekend, and brought over some ears. the weather was far too oppressive for me to think in any way beyond breathe.move.maybe.breathesomemore. so it was a miracle the corn got cooked at all, never mind something schmantzy. i simply chucked the ears onto a grill, then served them with a little basting of butter, a crumble of feta cheese, a shake of chipotle chili powder, and a squeeze of lime. generally, i prefer to eat freshly cooked corn as is, without any garnishing, but the spare addition of the salty cheese, fresh citrus, and zing of the chili complimented the sweetness of the kernels very well. i suppose one could pile it on, but a little goes a long way.
6/23/2008 06:28:00 PM
I am so hungry for corn right now with what you just posted. Especially since I have some feta cheese in the ref. Maybe this weekend...
6/26/2008 04:29:00 AM
ahhh... i miss the heat! i miss the grilled corn too from sta. rita fiesta. send me some corn...and send me some heat too!!!
6/26/2008 06:50:00 PM
That corn looks too tasty!! I'm surely going to grill up some corn for 4th of July weekend and will have to try it with your recommended toppings!
7/02/2008 12:40:00 PM
OMG that looks so good!
7/02/2008 01:51:00 PM
had some beautiful con tonight.. funny thing is.. seening this makes me want more.. very nice!!
8/20/2008 06:42:00 AM
love to just get them from the store, no shucking, no pulling off threads, just throw them on! the treads seem to just milt into the corn as a sweetener and the corn stays so nice and moist and..."honey, why don't we have roasted corn for dinner?"
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