latest update:8 august 2010
i posed the question, i set out to answer it: just how many asian women have food blogs? i still don't know, but i found the first 50 first 406. you have to help me find the next 406.
be a happy badger! upload this to your blog--say it small!
please do not link directly to this badge, just save it and upload it to your photo storage site--thanks!
the list, geographically:
the kitchen journal-grace in luanda
la otra dimensión-cocina asiática-australiana moderna-miss cupcake in buenos aires
a banana in australia-carpal fish in sydney
a few of my favourite things!-cin in melbourne
aficionado-cathy in sydney
bee's kitchen-beebee in sydney
chocolate suze-susan in sydney
chronicles of a culinary princess-culinary princess in adelaide
cook and eat-pseudo chef in perth
cooking baking eating enjoying-kai in melbourne
feed me! i'm hungry!-ilingc in melbourne
filling good?-rachel in cowra, nsw
food for life-tamtims in sydney
food lover's journey-anh in melbourne
the food palate-saffron in sydney!
for the fork and the spoon-nupur in melbourne
from chopstix to steak knives..."-saryn in sydney
gluten-free food-tracey in sydney
grab your fork-augustus gloop in sydney
hohoemi's food journal-hohoemi in melbourne
husky9-jolene in melbourne
jan's kitchen-jan, somewhere in australia
jenius-jen in sydney
the journal of a girl who loves to cook-suyin in sydney
kiki's midnight bakery-kiki in brisbane
kitchen wench-in melbourne
miruki-madoka in sydney* (okay it's not really a blog,but it's too amazing to not list)
manila mayhem-alley cat in melbourne
milk and cookies-jenjen in sydney
my little corner store-in sydney
noodlebowl-sue-lin in sydney
pinkcocoa tabetai-pinkcocoa in sydney
raging yoghurt-bowb's in sydney, too
sarah cooks and sarah discovers how to eat-sarah in melbourne
sugar's sweet blog-sugarpuffi in sydney
the secret foodie-mel in melbourne
tangerine eats-lily in sydney
taott-gwenda in sydneytian & mark-tian in sydney
waffle-bex in sydney
rasbhara recipes-ujwala in dhaka
a ma sauce-jennifer in brussels
baby bok choi-somewhere in canada!
black.salt-blackcealt, in vancouver bc
chopstick beaten eggs-lindsay in montreal
food for thought-catherine in toronto
food recipes-rashmi
hooked on heat-from meenakshi, somewhere in canada
indonesia eats-pepy in winnipeg
no more teriyaki-mona in vancouver
salute to sanity-silverrock, somewhere cold in canada
tongue & cheek-vanessa in toronto
towards a better tomorrow-kay in toronto
yohana recipes-yohana in vancouver
普通の、コト-裕美です in montreal
appetite for china-diana in beijing
edible experiments-iska in beijing
love at first bite-cherry
Sarin Japanilainen keittiö/Sari's Japanese Kitchen-sari
a room with a view-adelynn in paris
dhanggit's kitchen-dhanggit in aix-en-provence
franco-pinay food adventure-relly
wanderlust sha-sha in athens
hong kong
do what i like-florence
fooding, living, cinema-ing, and whatnot-jinisu
hk foodie
little gingko nut-ling
mochachocolata rita-rita
ambrosia-shaheen (coco) in bombay
coffee tea or me-shoumya in chennai
the cooks cottage-deccanheffalump in pune
indian food-shpriya in chennai
indian food-tara in mumbai
let's cook something-preeti in hyderabad
(lima) beans and delhi cha(a)t-sury in new delhi
life & food-rums in new delhi
luv bites-perspective in bangalore
meating point-s.a.
myriad tastes-lera in bangalore
sailu's food-sailu in AP
cerita dari dapur amatir-shinta
for the love of baking-riana in jakarta
gifts from the kitchen-rita
our family favorite recipes-vania in balikpapan
yohana's culinary journey-yohana in surabaya
yummy!-dita in jakarta
barca a vela-ippopotamoo in...milano?
gia-gina in italy-gia-gina in torino
kishko-kishko in florence
non solo italiano-t-fortunati
rubber slippers in italy-rowena in lombardia
a perth foodie's adventures in japan-jeannie
aiai cafe
azumi diary-azumihazumi
bento moblog
bon appetit-soleil
brown bread ice cream-rachel in tokyo
cherry monkey-chiyo-gyokusen
cubic life-cubic-r
en-gawa-miki and mei in tokyo
greedy-greedy_32 in kyoto
happy days 2006-himawari_August8
harucooking blog-harucooking
k's deli-kitchen
kiwish-ryoko in tokyo
kuishinbo meow-fishfish in kyoto
kurumi's cafe cooking-kurumi
le mago petite-lemago_petite in japan
minmin's obento-minmin in tokorozawa
obachan's kitchen-obachan in kochi
our adventures in japan-kat in osaka
she who eats and moichizen-chika somewhere up there in japan
smorgasbord-bilbo in japan
stew stew stew !-gudigudi
sunday brunch-sunday-brunch
to short term memories-lynn in tokyo
watashi to tokyo-mari's in tokyo
yasuko-san's home cooking-yasuko in toyama
yukkuri countdown japan-foodpocket in tokyo/saitama
annabanana-in seoul
chocopie-in seoul
french asian at seoul kitchen-ice cat seoul in seoul
grilled aubergine-in seoul
little simple kitchen-hayley
miss koco does korea
rachel lynn seoul-in seoul
a daily obsession-terri in saba
a self-proclaimed foodaholic-swee san
babe in the city-kl-babe in kuala lumpur
choos and chews-dee
da wheel of life and happiness-meiyen in kuala lumpur
eating asia-in kuala lumpur
food, travel, recipe and sights-??
funky cookies-sue and eternity in kuala lumpur
greg&nee on the go-nee (and greg) in kuching, borneo
julie the biscuit-julie in kuala lumpur
just heavenly-melisa, yee mei, and swee san
lingzie's tummy treats-lingzie in penang
masak-masak-boo_licious in kuala lumpur
mLebu paWoN-deetha in kuala lumpur
mum-mum-wena in kuching, sarawak
my baking diary-sukkimi
pearl of the orient-glutton rabbit in penang
sweets for my sweet-viviene in klang valley, selangor
tham jiak-rokh
you get what you give (food arts travel)-wmw
eet smakelijk-thess in dordrecht
indian kitchen-krishna and ranjeeta in amsterdam
new zealand
homemades-arfi in tuakau
for the love of travel and food-schatzli, currently in oslo
80 breakfasts-joey in manila
a little taste of....-garandee in manila
the artist chef-joan
bucaio-karen in pangasinan
chibog chicka lakwacha atbp-lani in quezon city
davao's food huntress-in davao city
dessert comes first-lori in manila
the edible garden-macky in manila
i'm hungry-aloi
kitchen conjugations-anneski in manila
kitchen cow-kaoko, manila-ish
kitchen duty-my
lafang list-minnette
lonely kitchen-lonely kitchen in visayas
mirsbin's kitchen-mirsbin
munchin' in manila-annalyn in manila
pilgrim's pots and pans-karen in the QC
the pinoy cook-sassy in antipolo, who also has
pinoy food talk
ramblings of a gypsy soul-christine in manila
sa kusina ko-chef kc
simpleng kusinera-ogie in parañaque
super sarap-lorraine, in the 'burbs of manila
tennis and conversation-socky in manila
twisted twinset-midge from mutinlupa
undiscussable realms-selina in manila
vanillarama-vanillarama in manilarama
wifely steps-toni in manila
yedilicious-yedy in manila
a curious mix.-mumu
baby hippo bakes
cheat eat-st
chef cass loves to cook-cass
cooking baking eating and enjoying-kai
dimsum dolly
dhonatneth's apa kabar-angelina
evan's kitchen ramblings-evan
greedy goose-eggy
happy grub-happy grub
her pink apron-princess sha
hinata diaries-hinata
if she can do it, so can you-the lazy chef/rachel
i have fat fingers and i love to cook!-fat fingers
lychee chronicles-big lil mel
mana makan-the feast crusade-stephanie
my foodprints-my foodpprints
my indulgence-skrat
my little cyberspot-ruth
nibble & scribble-june
nook bistro-shazz
piggy's cooking journal-piggy
pinay in singapore, a foodie paradise-kayli
precious moments-edith
she bakes and she cooks-cheryl
simply anne's-anne
skinny epicurean-galinusa
storm in a teacup-deborah
the sugar bar-diva
sweet indulgences-jacelyn
tazz in the kitchen-tazz
treats by trisharatna-trisha ratna
umami-umami (currently in paris)
wokking mum-wokkingmum
yochana's cake delight-aunty yochana
green olive tree-kel in barcelona
movable feast-louisa chu, last based in roses, spain (currently travelling)
how to eat a green mango-joy
downtown gypsy-peggy in montreux
i was just really very hungry.-makiko
pusiva's culinary studio-pushpa in bern
hits 'n' misses-two hearts in changhua
a consuming passion-caroline in london
a life in food-vivilicious in london, england
akatsuki ra ra ra-bramble in edinburgh, scotland and los angeles, ca
a vagrant appetite-in leeds and london, england
chai pani-from ammani
food, in the main...-shyamala in shrewbury, england
food in the uk-robs
english patis-celia in england
gastronomy domine-squeezeweasel in cambridge, england
kitchen crazy-daffy in coventry, england
kitchen notes-prerona in edinburgh, scotland
little food boutique-yuzuki in london
lulu loves london, formerly at lulu loves manhattan-lulu in london
my food life-jennie in london
nordljus-keiko in england
rabbit sim's paradise-rabbit in leeds, england
rice and noodles-mae in jersey, channel islands
route 79-rachel in england
tamarind and thyme-su-lin in london
stellou-stellou in england
sweet temptations-valentina
what's cooking?-charlie in england
yummy-naoko, also in england
a life of spice-monica in washington dc
a passion for food-kathy in claremont, ca
aayi's recipes-shilpa in kcmo
adventures in bahn mi-spicy combo in san francisco
adventures in bahn mi: san diego-pickled papaya in san diego, cali
af's recipes-af in lake forest california
ahaar-mandira in buffalo, ny
alohama's kitchen-aloha mama in kona, hawaii
alpineberry-mary in san francisco
asian vegan-phan in oregon
atabela-atabela in phoenix, az
baby rambutan-stel in boston, massachusetts
bennto-rachel in baltimore, md
best of l.a.-kristy in los angeles
bon appegeek-annie in central illinois
the budding cook-tbc
camberville cuisine-lynne in camberville, ma
c'est tres bon!-joyce in los angeles
chez karine-karen, somewhere in northern california
chez pim-pim in san francisco
chopping board-tina in new jersey
cj's food and discovery-cj, somewhere in the us
consumer machine-janet in southern california
cooking cute-ngoc in washington dc
cooking medley-luv2cook, somewhere in smalltown usa
culinary adventures-rajeshwari in california
da*xiang-stephanie yau in seattle, washington
delectation-claudine in san francisco
delicious biting-j in los angeles
the delicious life-sarah in los angeles
dessert first-anita in san francisco
diy chef-ces in astoria, new york
east meets west kitchen-in colorado
eat 2 love-jo jo, nyc
eileen是愛吃鬼-eileen, somewhere in the los angeles area
epicurean debauchery-alice in the bay area, california
essenCes-ces in nyc
feeding dexygus seconds-renee in san francisco
the food and music club-khanh in los angeles california
foodesign-foodesign, somewhere in the us
food for thought-ashwini in scottsdale, az
foodgoat-lady goat in cleveland, ohio
foodies bar-parna, somewhere in the us
food, in that number-phisch. somewhere in the us
food mayhem-jessica (and lon) in new york
food porn la-ahra in los angeles ca
foodzings-in philadelphia pa
four foodies-carla in guam
from the pantry-tanvi in los angeles ca
gastronomy-cathy in philadelphia pa
the girl can eat-ria in boston
the girl who ate everything-robyn in nyc
green green chutney-reshma
green jackfruit 2-mika in pittsburgh pa
holy shitake-yi in austin, texas
hula girl cooks-hulagirl, somewhere in the desert
ideas in food-aki in colorado
i heart bacon-megan woo in seattle, washington
ilocana chef-dexie in san diego, california
immaeatchu-susan in los angeles, cali
indian food rocks!-manisha
indian spice trail-sheela in denver colorado
jaden's steamy kitchen-jaden in florida
joelen's culinary adventures-joelen in chicago, il
kadchhi ke kamaal-aspiring annapoorna in tucson, az
kainan na!-tin tin in dallas, texas
kiki rice-kiki in san jose, ca
kitchen diary-maia in middleofnowhere, ny
kodali's kitchen-tanuja in atlanta ga
korean cooking-somewhere in new york??
krishna and arjuna's world-in portsmouth new hampshire
kusinera wannabe-from san mateo ca
life of spice-monica in washington dc
lily's wai sek hong-lily in denver, colorado
little corner of mine-ching in colorado springs, colorado
lola's kitchen-purplegirl in the atlanta, georgia
love in the time of coriander-summi in berkeley, ca
lunch with front studio-m+y in nyc
magical peppercorn-peloquin in illinois
mahanandi-indira in ohio
the maltese bacon-michelle in nyc
manang kusinera-manang's somewhere in the northeast
maomau-maomau in chicago, il
me and my kitchen-santhi in los angeles ca
melting wok-in covina, california
memoirs of an asian foodie-leiann in boston
the menu-s in los angeles
meenal's kitchen-meenal in washington
min's food journal-min in phoenix, arizona
momo's corner-momo in boston, ma
my felicity corner-green apple in denver, colorado
my kadhai-tina in sayreville, nj
my treasure..my pleasure-deepa in kentucky
my workshop-rp
notes from my food diary-eliza in oregon
ny all-around food life-yucanyc in nyc
oishii eats-jeni in los angeles
oishii ringo-sayaka in chicago
oman, i am so hungary-so hungary in honolulu, hawaii
one fork, one spoon-applesister in brooklyn ny
one hot stove-nupur in nyc
on my plate-creen in daly city, califonia
our kitchen-jmom in north carolina
pabulum-cia in new york city
penny in a nutshell-penny in new york
pengrin foodie-penny in san francisco
priya's kitchen-priya in california
rants and raves-wysgal in philadelphia
rate-a-restaurant-maria in glendale, california
rasa malaysia-in irvine, ca
saffron hut-saffron, somewhere in the us
salt & pepper-ginni in connecticut
the scent of green bananas-me! in guam
this is gonna be good-fougoo in new jersey
stefoodie-stef in pennsylvania
some like it hot-milgwimper in california
something is burning!!-ollie in los angeles ca
su good eats-jessica in nyc
super eggplant-mariko in portland, oregon
skwrking-embla in honolulu
table d'hôte-blue plate in los angelesv
this is gonna be good-fougoo in new jersey
tiptup-in boston
truly thankful-jo in north carolina
tuna toast-anne in los angeles ca
unos claveles-katie, somewhere in the u.s.
wandering chopsticks-in southern california
what are you packing?-aloha, somewhere in the u.s.
what's for lunch?-foodhoe in san francisco, ca
without garnish-faith in pasadena, california
would you like chocolate or vanilla-kristi in seattle
world class cuiscene-ting-aling
yummy in my tummy-ari in seattle, washington
the drool team-k (play play cook), jo, heather, don, kesh, bryan and leanne in kota kinabalu, sabah, malaysia
hodge podge kitchen
kusina ng mga fil-west
the makati brunch club
orange county food blogs
our cooking escapades-ioyces and others in adelaide, australia
food and dine-by PenangTuaPui
table for three, please
the wandering gourmet-headed by angie in perth, australia
the westernized kusina
okay, where did i mess up? and tell me who i missed!
technorati tagged! food blogs asian list blog directory
12/16/2004 03:14:00 AM
Related indeed! Wow, you did a lot of work for this! Thanks for the compilation. It will be a handy reference.
12/16/2004 08:50:00 AM
Hi Santos,
Off topic..I'm from Baguio. I think you are too, aren't you?
12/16/2004 09:47:00 AM
Tinyfork from Kentucky - http://tinyfork.com/
Kimberly from Malaysia -http://kimberlycun.blogspot.com/
Primrose from Malaysia - http://primroses.blogspot.com/
Cathy from Washington -http://mylittlekitchen.blogspot.com/
12/16/2004 12:44:00 PM
I'm not a food blog. Though sometimes I post about food...?
12/16/2004 12:46:00 PM
hi santos,
thanks for listing me ;)
here's one http://asianvegan.blogspot.com/ err owned by dennis by recently taken over by his wife phan. i think she's a malaysian residing in US.
12/16/2004 02:03:00 PM
hey karen
smolworld. i'm stealing your recipes and claiming them as "old family traditions". you have been warned ;-)
hey hailyn
if i didn't know how busy you already are, i'd say you should put up a blog so i can list it. instead, i'm waiting for the day that i, too, can say "let's go get hai and pick up some thai food" ;-) thanks! i'll put those links up shortly.
hi ting-aling
my mom grew up in baguio, my lola's sister was francesca tantamco who started the food stall at the palengke--you know, peanut brittle, ube, strawberry jam....hasn't quite been the same since she died :-( i miss her and her strawberry jam, darnit.
hi mrs. tweety
i will gladly make fae and cathy honorary asians, if they don't have a second cousin who married a girl who once was at the airport in japan for 10 hours :-) thanks for the links!
hey toni
i included your blog because you do have a lot of cooking tips and you are a part of the cooking for losers collective (aren't you?). if you are uncomfortable with your blog being on the list, i can omit it or substitute cooking loser--just let me know!
hi babe_kl
phan's on the list!
12/16/2004 02:15:00 PM
hello there.
i blog so rarely these days because all my entries would be about feeding a hungry new baby, however you can read about my lower lip's recent battle with a piece of nougat (my lip lost) at raging yoghurt.
ps. i'm a malaysian living in sydney.
12/16/2004 02:40:00 PM
great job, santos!
p.s. am looking forward to following (er, re-tracing) your footsteps in Vegas (will also drive to LA and stay a couple of days -- just to go to La Brea bakery!)
12/16/2004 02:59:00 PM
hey bowb
congratulations on baby bowb--sweet! love your blog, but geoff jansz needs a haircut :-) i'll include your blog to the listing.
hey purplegirl
have fun in vegas! don't forget, gelato at bellagio :-D also, the burger bar in mandalay place is great, and the lenôtre bakery in the parisparis not paris hilton is amazing.
12/17/2004 12:06:00 AM
Oh no problem! I'm sure half of Santa Rita has those recipes. Most probably our grandmothers also exchanged notes now and then. Besides, we had a family merger down the line, remember? So technically and otherwise, you're right, they're old family recipes, hehehe!
By the way, Mom found some live frogs at the market this morning. I asked her to wait for me to take step-by-step pics before they're cooked. Will post recipe soon, among others that I have lined up.
12/17/2004 03:56:00 AM
Thanks for noticing us, but Foodgoat isn't out of Il. We are located in Cleveland, OH. Not that it matters much, but my poor hometown never gets much props.
12/17/2004 03:57:00 AM
Santos, of course I've heard about the Tantamcos at Marcos Highway. I grew up in that area. It must be your aunt who was a great supporter of Sta. Catalina Convent then. Geez, don't think she remembers me now. I was a young teenager when I was part of the Sta. Catalina Choir. Ramsey and Jun, your Lola's neighbors were my friends. Don't know where they are now.
Yes, ube jam and peanut brittle are what your Lola's known for. I know her stall at the city market.
12/17/2004 04:21:00 AM
My, what a comprehensive list. You did put a lot of work into this! I'll be here a while clicking on all your links. There's a few that are new to me. Thanks!
12/17/2004 10:18:00 AM
hi karen!
does your mom think you're nuts for taking photos of all the food? this is the standard line before eating: "waitwaitwaitwaitwait--photo!" i just tell my mom i'm photographing everything just in case it's my last meal; it's easier to retrace my steps for the autopsy.
hi foodgoat
whoops, my apologies for that--i've amended the entry. thanks!
hi ting-aling
wow, even smaller world :-) i'm sure agnes remembers you. i haven't been back to that house in so long--the thing i remember the most is that everything always smelled like sugar, smoke, and ube.
i've been reading through all your blogs' archives--very entertaing. i was wondering, though, should i put your listing under canada?
hi jmom
i actually picked up most of the link reading all the blogs i normally read. i am looking for one filipina, i cannot remember her name, but i thought she posted a comment on your blog, or baby rambutan or manang kusinera. she had an amazing blog, it wasn't updated much, but she is a doctor (i think) who has taken professional cooking classes and made really fancy-schmantzy gor-may food. do you have any idea of whom i'm thinking?
12/17/2004 10:36:00 AM
it feels like a posh sorority, & i don't know how i got included! eating humble pie...
santos, could it be fanatic who's a nutritionist, but we found out she's not a filipina?(comments on manang's blog re: pork parts)? honorary pinay i think...
12/17/2004 11:12:00 AM
hi stel!
not posh--just hungry. no, it's not fanatic. hm. i guess i'll just have to keep reading and eating :-)
12/18/2004 02:20:00 PM
12/18/2004 03:21:00 PM
hi santos, again, it's me..can we add Oslo Foodie as our honorary Asian girl in Norway?
12/19/2004 12:32:00 AM
hi mik
imagine me, the original spongegob squarebum....
i'd bet this list would be less diasporic if i could navigate the web in more than one language fluently. i'm guessing there's at least a hundred japanese women in japan i've left out.
hi stel
i'd love to add oslo foodie. she's more enthusiastic about asian food than me sometimes!
12/19/2004 01:33:00 AM
Believe it or not, I've recruited my mom into this that's why you may notice her hands on the pics now and then. I really intend to document everyday food that's soon to be forgotten and she was instantly sold to the idea. This morning she wanted me to get up early to take pictures of the rice paddy snails someone gave her. Cool, huh?
12/19/2004 10:57:00 AM
hey karen--my mom still just thinks i'm nuts.
12/19/2004 02:13:00 PM
Hi Santos - quite a list! I haven't heard of a number of these, so it'll be fun to check them out. I just happened on a blog this evening that I don't think is on your list: www.movable-feast.com
12/19/2004 02:45:00 PM
hi cathy, thanks for the tip!
12/19/2004 10:30:00 PM
hi ruth--web ring, nice idea! be my guest :-)
12/20/2004 01:50:00 AM
Hi Santos,
Thanks for listing me! Here’s a new one from South Korea.
Grilled_Aubergine ---- http://grilled-aubergine.blogspot.com/
12/20/2004 03:44:00 PM
obachan, thanks!
12/21/2004 02:37:00 PM
It's okay. I was flattered to be considered part of a food blog list. :) Thanks!
2/24/2005 12:05:00 PM
I started a food blog because of you!
2/27/2005 01:08:00 AM
Hello Santos. Ajay here. Thanks for including me in your list of food blogs, although writing on the wall talks about my life in general. I have a separate food blog,http://balutpenoy.blogspot.com aka Munchin' In Manila which I have to update due to lack of time. Anyway, nice keeping in touch with you:)
2/27/2005 09:38:00 PM
hi ollie! thanks for the compliment--i'll be visiting your blog regularly!
hey ajay--fixed the link!
3/27/2005 02:35:00 PM
Me! I'm from Singapore! Studying in UK and currently staying in Pensacola, FLorida for my holidays =)
4/17/2005 06:00:00 PM
me! i'm from singapore!
4/17/2005 06:44:00 PM
daffy and june, you've both been added :-)
4/18/2005 11:47:00 PM
thanks! and i love the greeeeeeeeeeeeen!
4/20/2005 07:39:00 AM
Hi Santos!
Love your blogs. Would you please put my name on the 1000 recipes list?
Also could you add me to your Asian Women's Food Blogs? I just started mine, http://alifeinfood.blogspot.com/
4/20/2005 07:39:00 AM
Hi Santos!
Love your blogs. Would you please put my name on the 1000 recipes list? I'm in London, UK.
Also could you add me to your Asian Women's Food Blogs? I just started mine, http://alifeinfood.blogspot.com/
4/20/2005 06:26:00 PM
vivilicious--not a problem. just send your physical mailing address to me at 1000.recipes@gmail.com
5/02/2005 12:45:00 AM
I'm an Indian girl and newbie blogger
This is such a great compilation..Thanks!
5/02/2005 01:16:00 AM
hi nupur! thanks for the list, and welcome to the list :-D
5/11/2005 11:27:00 PM
hi foodpocket! if you know of any more, let me know!
5/17/2005 06:34:00 PM
can i advertise myself? :)
annoucing the skinny epicurean from Singapore:
5/17/2005 08:24:00 PM
hi mia! whoops, sorry i forgot to list you. thanks for letting me know.
5/18/2005 09:15:00 PM
Santos, you're a star!
Thanks for the inclusion, even though I post only occasionally on food.
5/18/2005 09:58:00 PM
hi bramble-- 'sgood enough for me :-)
5/26/2005 04:58:00 PM
Hi. I'm Midge and I'm from Muntinlupa in the Philippines. I just started a food blog about last month called Twisted Twinset. There isn't much on it as yet. But I daresay it'll grow. It's at http://twistedtwinset.blogs.friendster.com.
5/26/2005 06:34:00 PM
hi midge! welcome to the list.
5/27/2005 04:38:00 PM
hi santos
i consider myself someone who really can't cook (more of an experimenter) and seeing me on your links makes me want to take up a cooking course..thank you for listing me.
5/28/2005 01:38:00 AM
hi thess-- i had you listed previously under green mansion, but this looks like it might be a long term home :-) experimenting is great, that's what i do!
5/28/2005 01:19:00 PM
Heya Santos. Now that I have a food blog dedicated to food, I'd love to be added to this list. You may already know this, but location, Sydney Australia. Ta!
5/30/2005 01:57:00 AM
Oh yes, this (link) IS the home, sweet home :)
doing experiments, that's how I learn the most too.
5/30/2005 01:04:00 PM
Thanks Santos! :)
6/01/2005 11:22:00 AM
I didn't see Mahanandi, great new Indian food blog in the list.
6/01/2005 03:47:00 PM
hello santos i dont know if you're still updating the list but if you do, add me add me! originally from singapore, currently in sydney, australia.:)
6/01/2005 04:04:00 PM
hi gwenda! always :-)
6/08/2005 01:53:00 AM
wow! i am in your list! yay haha.
thanks for all the links! very useful! :)
6/14/2005 09:48:00 AM
wow, santos, awesome list! thanks for including me BTW. i didn't realize there were soooo many! we asians certainly love food, don't we. (oh, and i'm in pennsylvania)
6/25/2005 12:19:00 AM
hi schatzli--i can't keep up with you! i should just make you a citizen of the world :-) i have seen market manila, and i really should expand this list to include men, but originally my blog was subtitled "how many asian women have food blogs? this is another one", hence the title.
7/25/2005 12:52:00 PM
Hi Santos. I have moved - but only virtually, still in Australia. You can find my blog at The Food Palate
Thanks for keeping this list alive and kicking! It is a wonderful resource :)
7/25/2005 02:07:00 PM
hi saffron! will change it shortly--thanks for letting me know :)
10/25/2005 08:53:00 AM
Hi Santos! I'm another one, from Cambridge in the UK. Thanks for the list; it's a great resource.
10/31/2005 07:47:00 AM
sometimes i forget i'm korean because i think i'm latina. or jewish. LOL!
10/31/2005 10:07:00 AM
hi squeezeweasel--i've added you on the list.
sarah! omg, i can't believe i've missed you--i was sure i'd added you. i'll do it now :)
11/05/2005 11:15:00 AM
wow !! that's alot of work huh ? but well done :)
11/05/2005 11:17:00 AM
oh yeah.. and i linked the page up as well :)
11/15/2005 07:39:00 AM
hi there!
I'm an Asian female with a cooking blog! 2, in fact!
I'm from Melbourne, Australia.
and http://sarah-discovers-how-to-eat.blogspot.com
With that second blog, I'm documenting my project of cooking my way through Nigella Lawson's book, How to Eat.
xox Sarah
11/16/2005 12:21:00 AM
hi sarah! i'm adding you now :)
11/16/2005 02:37:00 PM
i'm happy to be blogging just like everybody in your list, i often go to your list when i check out the informative foodblogs - kindly add my blog to your list if it's alright! i have photos & cooking ideas in my foodblog but no recipes yet - will work on it. thanks.
11/18/2005 02:37:00 PM
thanks for adding my blog, feels good to be in the list!
12/02/2005 11:19:00 PM
wow wonderful list of asian women bloggers! thanks for the link up. now i have more to surf on and drool.
12/07/2005 05:57:00 PM
+ 1 --->aloisa.multiply.com
started out with some resto reviews and got some serious complaints (hahaha).
altho its not purely a foodie blog.
couldnt keep my toes out of music and other stuff.
12/07/2005 07:56:00 PM
hi foodesign and cin, you've been added! thanks for stopping by!
hi rokh--enjoy the list!
hi aloi--where are you located?
12/08/2005 07:23:00 PM
hey santos, forgot that bit of info > am in QC, phils. do u think we may be distantly related? ha!
12/13/2005 11:16:00 PM
Bravo what a list! I didn't even know it exists. And here's me adding to the next 175 of the list. http://greenolivetree.blogspot.com. Kel from Barcelona, Spain.
12/14/2005 01:49:00 AM
hi aloi--quite possibly :)
hi kel! welcome to the list!
12/15/2005 04:56:00 AM
muchas gracias a todas!! hola santos!
12/15/2005 06:23:00 AM
I stumbled on your blog and I must say I love reading it!
I'm a Mauritian-Asian girl studying in UK. I simply love baking and cooking =)
Mine is Sweet Temptations: www.valentinacrimbonutter.blogspot.com
Keep updating! *thumbs up*
12/15/2005 07:09:00 AM
I absolutely love this site, i'd like to add my newly crafted site from seattle, wa.
12/15/2005 08:35:00 AM
Hi Santos,
http://gia-gina.blogspot.com/ is by an Asian (Chinese?) girl originally from Guam. She blogs about everything, but more than half the time it's food.
12/15/2005 08:39:00 AM
Here's another one. I'm not totally sure, but based on her posts and a recent list of her favorite foods (green mangos), I assumed she was Filipina. She's in New York.
12/15/2005 08:47:00 AM
I might be wrong about Paz. I just reread another post and she's never eaten green mangoes with bagoong! Probably not Filipina.
12/15/2005 11:06:00 AM
Wow! I'm honoured to be on the list. Well done on compiling it, Santos.
12/15/2005 03:20:00 PM
check out http://undiscussablerealms.blogspot.com :)
12/15/2005 03:37:00 PM
hi valentina nad ari! thanks for the links, you've been added.
hi fran--thanks, i've forgotten gia, even though she's a frequent commenter. she's on the list now.
hi viv--glad you're on the list :)
hi toni--do you know where selina's blogging from?
12/15/2005 08:58:00 PM
Santos: She blogs from Manila!
12/20/2005 09:09:00 AM
Hello from bro0ke @ chowcrave :) Thank you for finding and listing me, too!
I'm Thai blogging from US. Chowcrave's recipes are in Thai, but feel free to leave me a comment if you're interested in a recipe, I'd be more than happy to translate it for you :)
12/22/2005 02:48:00 AM
I'm an Asian girl with a food blog too! greedygoose.blogspot.com
You're on my list!
12/22/2005 10:36:00 AM
hi toni--thanks!
hello brooke! thanks for the offer--i'll take you up on it!
hi eggy! your blog is gorgeous, thanks for letting me know.
12/23/2005 01:48:00 AM
Thanks Santos! And thanks for including me too. Finally I have a list of other Singaporean bloggers. It certainly kept me busy last night.
12/28/2005 03:25:00 PM
Thanks for including my blog,Santos.I have your blog link added to mine as well.That's a great compilation of asian women food bloggers.
Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year
12/31/2005 12:48:00 AM
Hi Santos,
Thanks for this list! I'm aiming to add a good percentage to my blogroll for all that lovely inspiration :-) Could you add foodie.tv to yours?
Thanks again,
12/31/2005 01:21:00 AM
hi sailu! if you know of any others, let me know. have a wonderful new year!
hi susan--where in australia are you located?
1/02/2006 02:53:00 AM
hi santos
you did a great job and thanks for listing me.
i hope in the further you might have a list for asian men's food blogs.
1/02/2006 03:01:00 AM
i don't think i found jan's kitchen Jan's Kitchen, a good net matey of mine from downunder
1/26/2006 02:17:00 AM
Hi Santos :) Thanks for including me in your list! I will proudly put your banner up in my next post. hehe you could even add ," boy do they!" Indeed this was a formidable list indeed, well sniffed out!
2/09/2006 08:45:00 PM
Woah! Thanks so much for including me in the list, Santos! Now I just have to work on getting into Santa's good list ...
2/16/2006 11:15:00 AM
My (asian--singaporean) friend has blog on food too. But she's in Canada right now so I don't know how you'd classify her. It's blackcealt.blogspot.com
2/19/2006 07:29:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
3/01/2006 07:37:00 PM
this is a great reference, thank you! one more to add: http://kishko.blogspot.com
from florence, italy
3/13/2006 11:26:00 PM
santos, i moved my foodie blog over to http://www.blogcharm.com/pasion/ and called it simply "i'm hungry" ... still under construction tho. (can't figure out these blogcharm templates!)
3/29/2006 01:55:00 AM
santos, thought i'd post here a link to My Dhaba -- there's an unbelievable list of Indian food blogs there!
4/06/2006 04:47:00 PM
Hi all from Singapore! Looks like we may have the highest number of female food bloggers per capita :)
Santos, thanks for the great list! Was a thrill to find my blog there!
4/09/2006 07:22:00 AM
wow, what a list! I'm glad to be a part of it. thanks for including me. It's the wee hrs of the morning for me so i shall be back tomorrow to check if i can give you some more links. and i'm putting it on all the social bookmark sites - actually 6 of them.
4/14/2006 03:22:00 PM
You missed me :'( waaaa
hehe...add me on will ya?
4/19/2006 01:52:00 AM
hi suyin! sorry to make you wait, you're on the list!
5/03/2006 11:04:00 PM
hi, I just decided to start one... and yes I am asian.
Milk and Cookies at
5/03/2006 11:05:00 PM
I meant
can you tell im a newbie
5/04/2006 11:14:00 AM
hi, can i add my site here too? http://momo617.blogspot.com/
i just started last month.
5/10/2006 11:54:00 PM
hi everyone! thanks for dropping by!
jenjen, momo, and hohoemi, you've all been added--welcome to the list!
5/24/2006 10:54:00 PM
Wow Santos, thanks for keeping up this list and adding my humble site in the first place! It's a lot of work and dedication that you've put in! I'm really enjoying reading all the blog posts but can't keep up with the humoungous list hehe.. will catch up a bit more than I am now though, I;m sure. Thanks again!
6/30/2006 06:23:00 PM
Hi Santos,
You have a very comprehensive list going on here. Great job. I've just started a food blog too. Please feel free to add me if you think it fits the category.
ilingc from feedmeimhungry@blogspot.com
ps. I'm a Malaysian living in Melbourne
7/01/2006 01:18:00 AM
hi susan, you're welcome!
sorry, samuel, the list is currently just for women, girls, collective blogs with girls and women in it. if and when i do add men, i'll definitely add your name (but as you've left a comment here, maybe people will click on it anyway).
ilingc, added!
7/13/2006 11:37:00 PM
great job here... 285 and still going!
i've got some UK blogs for you:
www.thepassionatecook.com - johanna in London
http://cooksister.typepad.com/ jeanne in London
www.spittoonextra.biz andrew in henley
and he has a whole list of Uk blogs you might want to add: http://www.spittoonextra.biz/uk_food_blogs_full_list_and_op.html
take care
7/19/2006 12:39:00 AM
hi anon, those are all great blogs (and great uk list too), but this is just a list for asian women food blogs.
7/25/2006 06:26:00 AM
Hi Santos,
Wow, what a great compilation! Could you add my blog to the list too? My blog's name is "alpineberry" and the url is http://alpineberry.blogspot.com/ .
San Francisco, CA, US
7/25/2006 08:48:00 AM
hi mary! beautiful photos. added!
8/12/2006 02:51:00 AM
Hi Santos! Went over your criteria and:
1) I'm female (at least, last time I checked! LOL)
2) I'm Asian (born and bred in Manila, Philippines) and
3) I have a foodblog, named Kitchen Conjugations: http://www.annecooks.blogpot.com
May I please be counted in the next 286? Thanks!
Anne K.
Manila, Philippines
8/12/2006 02:53:00 AM
Oops! Just to correct the URL: http://www.annecooks.blogspot.com
8/24/2006 02:24:00 PM
Hi! Have another one for you (U.S.) -- www.cookbookcatchall.blogspot.com - hope you enjoy!
8/29/2006 02:03:00 PM
hi! im also asian, blogger here in the philippines
check out my site at http://www.chocobay.com :)
9/24/2006 12:01:00 AM
hello! im from singapore but studying in melbourne now!
9/24/2006 11:38:00 PM
Hi, I'm Swee San from A self-Proclaimed Foodaholic http://foodaholic.wordpress.com. I'm a Malaysian but currently in Sydney. I was from Just Heavenly, but moved to a new site 3 months ago :)
9/26/2006 04:36:00 PM
Here's new one http://loveatfirstbite.blogspot.com
10/11/2006 02:36:00 PM
11/01/2006 11:25:00 AM
HEY Santos! Can you update my entry? I'm no longer in California. We have moved to coastal North Carolina. We've purchased a house on 1.9 acres of land and we are in the process of turning it into a garden. We are growing all kinds of things from perigorde truffles to pawpaw trees.
11/03/2006 06:43:00 PM
I have a food blog at http://glutenfreefood.sh1ft.org :) I'm in Sydney Australia!
11/21/2006 10:07:00 AM
My blog in Japan.
Thanks for this nice button.
12/03/2006 06:02:00 PM
i found this one http://www.noodlesandrice.com/.
ituloy angsulong
12/18/2006 02:47:00 PM
Hello! If you have anymore room in your list and if you would like to add my own blog it's What are you packing? Thank you very much. Oh yeah, I'm in the USA.
12/18/2006 03:34:00 PM
always room, aloha! welcome to the list, looking forward to seeing what you're packing :)
1/11/2007 11:39:00 PM
You've certainly made proud for all the Asian women food bloggers out there. I for one would be greatful & appreciative if you could humbly add me in as well ? cheers & happy 2007 ! :)
http://meltingwok.com ( Malaysian foodie in Southern California, USA. )
1/12/2007 01:35:00 AM
hi there! ooh. covina. i need to explore that area. welcome to the list, i look forward to reading your blog!
1/17/2007 12:30:00 AM
oh! great list! i just found a new one:
adelyn lee over at "a room with a view" (paris, france)
there are tons of gorgeous pictures!
1/19/2007 08:38:00 PM
Hi Santos, thanks for doing that, and I hope I get your feedback in my blog and all constructive criticism is mostly welcome :) Cheers ! :)
1/20/2007 06:44:00 PM
www.eat2love.wordpress.com in new york city .
1/20/2007 07:40:00 PM
aww, e2l, no hello?
1/27/2007 09:25:00 AM
Hee, do I count if I'm half-Pilipino and a baby foodblogger at that? :) Camberville Cuisine.
Also, How to Eat a Green Mango - if I remember correctly, Thai-Chinese American now living in Sweden.
1/27/2007 11:07:00 AM
hi lynne! welcome to the list, and thanks for the other link.
1/27/2007 12:44:00 PM
Oh yay, I love this list-- and I love how many Filpina food bloggers there are! Please add me: Super Sarap
1/27/2007 03:37:00 PM
hi lorraine--added! (send over more filipina food bloggers please :))
1/27/2007 04:19:00 PM
Wow, I don't know how I missed this post for so long. Santos, your wonderful blog is one of the first I started reading when I got addicted to food blogs. It's all your fault! :p
I'm a Korean-American living in Illinois, U.S. My blog is Bon Appegeek. Thanks!
1/27/2007 04:37:00 PM
hi annie! great blog name, thanks for letting me know--i look forward to reading it!
1/29/2007 04:57:00 PM
hehe.. I have a food blog too!
Rachel from Singapore.
1/31/2007 04:04:00 PM
hi santos,
thanks for listing my blog in that list. i just want to give you an update on my cousin's blog: yohana in vancouver, her URL is http://yohanagourmet.blogspot.com. She doesn't reside in Vancouver, BC anymore, instead she resides in Surabaya, Indonesia.
I've known quite a bit of Indonesian food bloggers and these are several of them:
Vania in Balikpapan-http://www.v-recipes.blogspot.com/
Riana in Jakarta-http://pennylanekitchen.blogsome.com
Arfi in New Zealand-http://homemades.blogspot.com/
Angelina in Singapore-http://dhonatnets.blogspot.com/
Dita in Jakarta-http://last-bite.blogspot.com/
sorry to list so many!
1/31/2007 09:29:00 PM
thanks for the links--added!
2/03/2007 06:18:00 AM
Hi there!
I'm also an asian foodblogger from Colorado, USA.:)
2/08/2007 03:42:00 AM
2/11/2007 10:28:00 AM
east meets west, added!
christine, omgoodness, i thought you were already on the list--my apologies and that has been remedied!
2/12/2007 02:22:00 AM
I'm a newbie! http://foodzings.blogspot.com/ from Philadelphia, PA
2/13/2007 05:47:00 PM
My favorite is Pinoy Cook. I visit this everytime I want something new to eat :)
Ituloy Angsulong
2/14/2007 06:35:00 AM
What a great list....now I need more bookmarks folders!
Don't forget Food for Thought by Catherine Jheon in lovely Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2/14/2007 06:43:00 AM
And another...
Adventures in Korean Cuisine (and more): miss koco does korea
2/14/2007 11:42:00 AM
Me too!
I'm Vietnamese from Southern California.
Thanks! And great list!
2/14/2007 05:13:00 PM
Hi Santos, wow! what a community. Thanks for doing this. I've seen two new bloggers doing food: Margauxlicious, Tennis and Conversation (the latter has added food, although she writes of several other things too).
2/15/2007 03:48:00 AM
Thanks for this -- please count me in! I'm a Chinese-American girl in New Jersey:
2/17/2007 12:51:00 AM
Thanks for including me in your list. Though I write on a lot of other things, food is my great passion. And what an incredible list! Checking out those blogs will keep me very busy in the next few days...
2/17/2007 09:52:00 AM
I'm relatively new to the Asian-women-food-blogging scene but I want to be included like the grown-ups!
XOXO Thanks!
2/17/2007 02:13:00 PM
Wow, I love what this says about Asian women and their priorities!
I just started a new one. Right now, I'm a Korean-American in Brooklyn, NY, but in a few months, should be in Oaxaca, Mexico.
2/18/2007 04:51:00 AM
hey there!
i'm cathy. asian girl with a food blog: http://gastronomy.wordpress.com/
2/19/2007 01:51:00 AM
wow! great list!
i'm an aussie/hong kong food blogger http://www.xanga.com/jinisu :)
3/10/2007 05:23:00 AM
here's a relatively new one started by a malaysian-chinese-american friend of mine, based in Los Angeles:
i suppose you can add me, as well (also in LAl):
3/14/2007 04:58:00 PM
hello, sorry i missed your comment, both up now
3/18/2007 08:56:00 AM
I'm pretty new, but would like to be a part too, please! :)
I'm a australian-chinese in Melbourne, AU - www.thesecretfoodie.blogspot.com
3/19/2007 11:59:00 AM
I agree this is a fabulous idea, please add me to the list! JA woman obsessed with eating in San Francisco, CA http://foodhoe.wordpress.com
3/21/2007 09:14:00 AM
what a great idea to collect this list! please add me in as well - although mine is more of a food diary! i'm chinese-born filipino in london...
3/21/2007 09:15:00 AM
woops - it would help if i had listed the address no?
3/29/2007 11:13:00 PM
Asian food bloggers here at The Wandering Gourmet - http://wanderinggourmet.wordpress.com
Ok, we're actually a food, culture and travel club, but the club is mostly about food. :)
The club's based in Perth, Australia. But the current contributors are me (the founder - obviously in Perth) and a friend (in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia)
I can't figure out how to put little buttons on Wordpress yet. But will place it up when i figure out how to do it. :)
3/29/2007 11:17:00 PM
angie, i put your food blog under collectives if more than one of you posts...if it's just you i can move it under "country"--just let me know!
3/31/2007 05:11:00 PM
That's cool, collectives is fine. Thanks. :)
2 Malaysian Food blogs that I think you've missed are Malaysia Best and Penang Faces. I'm not sure of the URL's though.
4/11/2007 11:56:00 AM
I'm a Singaporean living in South Korea. I'm blogging at http://icecatseoul.blogspot.com/ .
It is really exciting to see so many food bloggers in open here.
4/11/2007 12:30:00 PM
4/17/2007 12:45:00 PM
helloooo from montreal! (and often toronto/ottawa)
you can find me (along with culinary adventures and food porn) at http://chopstickbeateneggs.blogspot.com/
(who uses chopsticks to beat eggs)
4/23/2007 05:04:00 PM
This is soo cool! Can i get listed too? http://foodiesforlife.blogspot.com/ Im in Sydney. Cheers!
4/27/2007 03:46:00 PM
Hi there!
I'm a Singaporean SAHM with a Food Blog too!
Please drop-by http://wokkingmum.blogspot.com
Thanks for the list! Now I now where to go for more ideas!
5/10/2007 12:46:00 AM
Wow! can you please add me too
saryn in Sydney at http://live2eatfoodie.blogspot.com
more blogs to explore, yippee...
5/26/2007 11:57:00 PM
Funny and cool idea! There's gotta be a million more.
Here is mine: http://www.themaltesebacon.com from New York.
5/27/2007 01:12:00 AM
5/27/2007 08:59:00 PM
Hi Hi, great idea,i'm BeeBee from Syd, Australia. Thanks!
6/04/2007 09:56:00 PM
Hi Santos,
I love your blog! And this list is a great idea - there are many female Asian foodies who blogs! I'm one of them - http://jeanniebayb.livejournal.com
I'm a Malaysian-born Australian currently living in Japan. Where does that place me?
(Apologies if this comment doesn't post properly - the page automatically comes up in Japanese!)
6/04/2007 11:18:00 PM
hi! i list everyone according to where they currently live, not nationality. your on the top of the japan list!
6/05/2007 07:10:00 PM
Another foodie from somewhere Manila-ish here :D
- kaoko
Do you have an RSS feed somewhere? The Atom feed hates me and bloglines and won't work properly :(
6/05/2007 09:15:00 PM
hello there--added kitchen cow, and also feedburner link in the sidebar, hope that works!
6/05/2007 10:15:00 PM
Hi! Could I be added please?!
6/05/2007 10:36:00 PM
Thank you so much! Grabbed your RSS feed at once :D
6/05/2007 11:51:00 PM
hi su-lin! of course :) welcome to the list!
kaoko there you go :)
7/03/2007 12:28:00 AM
Santos, thank you for creating this list-- it's so apropos! Jessica and I write FoodMayhem, and while we feature all types of food (recipes, restaurant reviews, news, pictures, etc.) Jessica is of Taiwanese descent. Please add us to your list?
We're adding your badge-- it's great!
7/03/2007 12:37:00 AM
hi lon, thanks for letting me know about your blog. i don't seem to have the time to surf around the web so much, so i'm happy to learn of new great sites. added!
7/03/2007 07:33:00 PM
Hi! I'm new to the game, and enjoying it like all of you!
I'm from Sabah, Malaysia, and this is my food blog:
7/10/2007 11:32:00 PM
hiee im a newbie too to foodblogging.
I'm from Malaysia but studying in Adelaide. My blog is www.culinaryprincess.blogspot.com.
7/17/2007 03:49:00 PM
Hi! Here's another food blog from the Philippines.
7/28/2007 10:28:00 PM
Hi! we are newbies, and are very inspired by your blog.
We come from Sabah, Malaysia. Check out our family food blog at www.thedroolteam.blogspot.com
your comments are most welcome! :)
8/05/2007 08:07:00 PM
I'm a Singaporean living in London and just started a food blog as well. The address is www.aconsumingpassion.com
Comments are welcome!
8/13/2007 08:38:00 PM
terri, sizzle, princess, caroline, drool team all added!
8/15/2007 07:51:00 AM
hi !
nice blog
visit me !!!
8/19/2007 05:53:00 PM
Hi, just to let you know that The Wandering Gourmet has changed URL's as we now have hosting!
You can still find our old articles under the http://wanderinggourmet.wordpress.com blog, but our new URL is http://wanderinggourmet.net :)
8/20/2007 02:47:00 AM
Hi, I'd like to be added. I'm in Canada, and I have a blog at http://www.aquatique.net/
Cheers and thanks,
9/03/2007 10:22:00 PM
oh ME TOO!!!
I'm in the U.S.
Thank u!
9/04/2007 02:24:00 AM
hmmm...i wonder what number on the list i would be?
i'm lei ann...filipino, born and raised in hawaii, now living in boston.
9/06/2007 11:18:00 PM
9/11/2007 10:10:00 PM
hi Santos!!
wow!! Impressive list you've got!!!! :D
Can I be added too??
Singaporean currently studying in Adelaide!
Thank you!!
9/11/2007 10:21:00 PM
and Aunty Yochana in Singapore..for the most reliable cake recipes.. :)
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