ice cream sandwich, the holiday edition

ice cream sandwich

chocolate cookie ice cream sandwiches with peppermint ice cream. those ginger snaps didn't really do it for me flava-wise, so instead of messing around with finding something gingery i'd like, i omitted the ginger and cloves altogether, added a half-cup of powdered cocoa (or was it a cup?), and mecca lecca hi mecca hiney ho! i gots me some funky cinnamon chocolate cookies. i made a double batch to fill a loaf pan to get double-wides, paired 'em off with some peppermint ice cream, rolled 'em in crushed candy canes, and here's my new favourite xmas treat.


That looks so yummy!


"Giant Sandwiches" used to be my fave ice cream but the biccy and the ice cream stayed where they were and I moved on (not to mention that they got proportionally smaller to my hands). Brilliant.

hi toni

they are tasty. and they are so big that i still have a couple in my freezer--you can feed 3-4 people off of one of these!


oh how weird. i've been thinking about making my own version of the giant for a couple of weeks now, and today i was toying with making my own giant-esque ice cream label for the recipe journal and for the green bananas giant. stay tuned.

hi santos, is the picture upside down or have I drunk too much wine??