guam airport, now with 50% more SPAM.

spam musubi @ the guam airport.

there's my plane. there's my musubi....


sheez - you guys and spam. Get on a plane and buy some white bread or something. Have a Big one.

nerrrr, i'll give you a Big one. on toast!

Looks saran wrap-ilicious?

Now Santos - Only one....you can't eat just one...errr something like that!

Spam-sushi? That's definately not kosher he he!

robyn, it's protected, for your enjoyment :P

hi kirk! the accompanying onigiri refused to be photographed :) btw, what's the difference between onigiri and omusubi?

bex, you're totally right about that! ha


Where are you going now?

hi reid! i'm actually back. i was in manila for two days, courtesy of an expiring buddy pass--whoooo! when are you headed out to la?

Hi! I suddenly missed my Masubi (or musubi). Had this in a Hawaiian restaurant in Cali. I've been looking for it all over the Metro pero wala...

ana! make your own--it's simple enough. just use the can as a mold for the rice, then place a slice of fried luncheon meat on top, wrap with nori (roasted seaweed) and sprinkle with furikake if you can find it (i think there's a small japanese grocery store in glorietta...sakura? something. maybe you can find it at a larger supermarket).

Love it! Is it the regular Spam or the spicy Spam?


I'm leaving tomorrow night. Any recs? I was going to Matsuhisa, but changed my mind and cancelled my reservation. I'm tempted to either try Aroma or Geisha House based on the recommendation of a friend, but I'll when I get there.

Wish me luck!

hi santos - Could be wrong, but I think they mean the same thing! I never called my "musubi", onigiri as I was growing up....

hi gia! just regular. actually, i think low salt....

hey reid, have a great time! i can't believe you cancelled your matsuhisa reservation....any particular reason?

hey kirk! i never heard the word 'musubi' until i spent more time in hawaii when i was in high school, it was always onigiri....

wow I Knew you were leaving somewhere when I saw this pic.. what would Santos do at the airport eh!

this reminds me of Paul Theroux book about the women in the Pacific are getting larger due to spam consumption ;-)

Is that watercress in your mususbi?! Good gravy, that's too swanky for me. I... I don't know what to say about that.

sha, it's not just the women ;)

erin, it's slightly sad daikon radish sprouts. only a half-hearted attempt at swank :P

Haha, alright. Daikon sprouts, huh? I've never had them before, I don't think. I'll try that the next time I go home. We can all use a little class.

erin, daikon radish sprouts are a little like something cows would eat, so i'm not so sure it counts as classy :D