the devil's food made me do it.

chocolate devil's food cupcakes

i haven't made a cupcake in awhile, and had a bit of an itch. unfortunately, i didn't have enough butter on hand, so i just went googling for a devil's food cake recipe, and went with the first one, which happens to use shortening. the cupcakes were beautifully domed, and the texture fine, but they were quite dry. although the flavour was good, it was nothing...to write a blog entry about. soooo...a little whipped cream, a double dipping of ganache, and a squiggle of vanilla buttercream made the cupcake maybe not totally blogworthy, but tasty to eat. the whipped cream added much needed moisture, and the mild cocoa taste only complemented the gooey ganache. and of course, the blatant homage to the hostess cupcake (down to the signature seven loops across the top, natch), may not be the prettiest thing on the blogs, but oh, the charm of it :)

cupcake innards


  1. ooh and i'm so glad you took a photo and wrote a blog entry!

  2. mmmm - love the looks of them. I'll bet they're tons better than their inspiration with real whipped cream and that thick layer of ganache on top!

  3. Gorgeous cupcakes you have there! :)

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention I love your blog and photos - absolutely wonderful!

  5. LOL - that's really funny because I saw my first Hostess cupcakes this weekend!! Twinkies made it to the southern tip of Africa but I'd never seen any of the other Hostess products... until Moira gave me an entire Hostess goodie bag. Something to do with most-modern ironic wit, I believe...

    PS - yours look a lot more tempting!!
